Lattice QCD Meets Experiment Workshop 2007


December 10-11, 2007


With the increasing precision of flavor physics experiments, many crucial analyses are becoming limited by theoretical precision. Lattice QCD has made great strides in its ability to contribute to the analysis of flavor data, but in many cases there are exciting prospects for further improvement. This workshop will focus on the status and prospects for flavor physics theory and experiment, and the needs of theory and experiment from each other.

Topics: K, D, and B mesons leptonic and semileptonic decays, meson-antimeson mixing, spectroscopy, future high-precision flavor facilities.


Schedule of talks.
Speakers: email links to your talks or pdf to for linking on the schedule web page.
Fermilab site map .

The program will begin at 9:00 AM both days. It will run until around 6:00 PM on Dec. 10, and until midday on Dec. 11. The program will consist of overview talks focusing on summaries of current status, prospects, and the needs of theory and experiment from each other. The talks will be relatively brief, with ample time scheduled for discussion, as in the program from last year's BaBar/lattice workshop.


Register by sending email to


There will be no registration fee.

Other information

When: December 10-11, 2007

Where: Fermilab, 1 West (Dec. 10), Curia II (Dec. 11)

Contacts, experiment: Soeren Prell (BaBar), Manfred Paulini (CDF), Sheldon Stone (CLEO-c), Rick Van Kooten (D0)
Contacts, theory: Tom Blum, Paul Mackenzie, Junko Shigemitsu

Meals: Breakfast and lunch will be available in the Fermilab cafeteria

Accomodations: Hotels near Fermilab

Travel information: visiting Fermilab

Directions to Meson Sabika

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