Email access and laptop registration

Email Center

You will have access to an Email Center where you will find a number of Windows PCs and 10/100 Ethernet ports for laptop use. These facilities are set up for your use in checking your email. Instructions for logging on to an account at your home institution and information about print queues are posted in the Center. This facility is open 24 hours a day. You will find the Email Center at the north end of the ground floor of Wilson Hall.

Wireless access and device registration

Wireless (802.11b) network connectivity will be available in Wilson Hall for the review. Your computer will need to obtain an IP address via the laboratory's DHCP service. Please be aware, however, of the restrictions for obtaining IP addresses via DHCP. Although all computers must be registered in order to use the Fermilab network, visitors to the lab may obtain temporary network access. This temporary registration expires at midnight each day. To access the temporary registration form, simply start your web browser and request any web address. Fill in the required identification information. Your computer will then be scanned briefly for vulnerabilities, and an IP address assigned. You will either need to reboot your computer, or restart your computer's networking, in order to use the assigned IP address.

Further information on device registration can be found in the DHCP registration FAQ.

If your wireless driver does not successfully connect to the Fermilab 802.11b network, try the following configuration settings:

SSID, also known as "Network Name", "Service Area", "ESSID", "WLAN Service Name":

  • Try leaving it blank for auto-detect
  • Try the keywords "ANY" or "any" for auto-detect
  • Use the keyword "fgz" (not "FGZ")

Network type: Use "Infrastructure Mode" (not "Ad-hoc")
Preamble mode: Long Tx preamble
Tx mode: 11 MB ("Automatic" will work on some cards, else hardcode to 11Mb)
DHCP: enabled
WEP / Encryption: Disabled
WEP Key: WEP is disabled
Radio Channel: leave blank or set to "auto"

last modified by JG on May 27, 2009. e-mail:
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