DOE Annual Progress Review of
Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (LQCD) Computing Projects
May 9-10th, 2013
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Location ARC 231/233
May 9
08:30 Executive session (45 min)
09:15 Welcome (10 min) – Bob McKeown
09:25 Logistics and Introductions (5 min) – Bill Boroski
09:30 LQCD Overview & USQCD Governance (50 min) - Paul Mackenzie
10:20 Break (15 min)
10:35 USQCD Allocation Process (15 min) – Robert Edwards
10:50 Science Talk 1: Intensity Frontier Lattice Gauge Theory (30 min) – Ruth Van de Water
11:20 Science Talk 2: Lattice Gauge Theories at the Energy Frontier (30 min) – Julius Kuti
11:50 Science Talk 3: Hadron Spectroscopy, Structure and Interactions (30 min) – Martin Savage
12:20 Lunch / Executive Session
1:30 Science Talk 4: High Temperature/Density QCD (30 min) – Frithjof Karsch
2:00 LQCD-ARRA Project: Project Summary and Closeout Report (40 min) – Chip Watson
2:40 LQCD-Ext Project: Management and Performance (30 min) – Bill Boroski
3:10 Coffee Break (20)
3:30 LQCD-Ext: Technical Performance of FY2012 Deployments (30 min) - Chip Watson
4:00 LQCD-Ext: FY2013 Hardware Plan & Cluster Deployment Status (30 min) – Don Holmgren
4:30 LQCD-Ext: FY2013 BlueGene/Q Deployment Status (15 min) – Robert Mawhinney
4:45 LQCD-Ext: Proposed Selection Strategy for FY2014 Deployment (30 min) – Don Holmgren
5:15 Executive Session (60 min)
6:15 Committee request for additional information - Committee/Project Leadership
6:30 Adjourn
7:00 Dinner
May 10
8:30 Executive Session (30 min)
9:00 Committee questions and discussion (60 min)
10:00 Break
10:10 Executive Session / Preliminary Report Writing
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Executive Session / Closeout Preparation
2:00 Closeout
3:00 Adjourn
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