All Hands' Meeting 2012
USQCD Collaboration Meeting
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
May 4 & 5
Brookhaven LQCD Facility     Fermilab LQCD Facility     JLab LQCD Facility

All Hands' Home



Call for Proposals


2011 Proposals

HEP Science for SciDAC 3

NP Science for SciDAC 3

2012 Machine performance


Argonne ALCF

Oak Ridge NCCS



Visiting Fermilab

Collaboration links

2011 Meeting

2010 Meeting

2009 Meeting

2008 Meeting

2007 Meeting

2006 Meeting

2005 Meeting

The USQCD All Hands' Meeting will be held May 4 & 5, 2012, at Fermilab.

Register on the Fermilab indico site.

For questions about the Call for Proposals or preliminary agenda, please contact Robert Edwards.

Sessions will be held in Curia II, in the southwest corner on the second floor of Wilson Hall. We have reserved two other small rooms as well.

Instructions for EVO connection.

For questions about the logistics, please contact Andreas Kronfeld.

Please plan on joining the collaboration banquet on Friday evening.

The allocation period is July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013.

Successful proposals.

Andreas Kronfeld Legal Notices