Time |
Presenter |
[titles (exts) link to slides in pdf (original) format]
8:30-8:40 |
Hugh Montgomery |
Welcome to JLab
8:40-8:45 |
8:45-9:15 |
Paul Mackenzie |
Report from the Executive Committee
9:15-9:35 |
William Boroski |
Report from the Project Manager
9:35-9:55 |
Don Holmgren |
Report on the Clusters and GPUs at Fermilab
9:55-10:15 |
Chip Watson |
Report on the Clusters and GPUs at Jefferson Laboratory
10:15-10:40 |
Coffee break |
10:40-11:00 |
Frithjof Karsch |
USQCD Allocation Process
11:00-11:15 |
Norman Christ |
Simulations with Dynamical Domain-wall Fermions
11:15-11:30 |
Tom Blum |
Pion and Kaon Physics from 2+1 Flavor DWF Lattices with mπ = 250 and 180 MeV, III
11:30-11:50 |
Sergey Syritsyn |
Nucleon Structure in the Chiral Regime with Domain Wall Fermions
11:50-12:10 |
Ruth Van de Water |
Pion and kaon decay constants, quark masses and BK with close-to-physical light-quark masses with mixed-action lattice QCD
12:10-12:30 |
Oliver Witzel |
B-meson decay constants and
B0-B0-mixing with domain-wall light quarks and relativistic heavy quarks
12:30-1:30 |
Lunch |
1:30-1:50 |
Doug Toussaint
(given by Bob Sugar) |
QCD with Four Flavors of Highly Improved Staggered Quarks
1:50-2:10 |
Paul Mackenzie |
B and D Meson Decays with Unquenched Improved Staggered Fermions
2:10-2:30 |
Brian Tiburzi |
Hadronic electromagnetic properties
2:30-2:50 |
Taku Izubuchi |
Applications of QCD+QED simulations: Isospin breaking in the hadron spectrum and Hadronic contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment
2:50-3:10 |
Christopher Aubin |
Hadronic contributions to the muon g–2 using Asqtad staggered fermions
3:10-3:30 |
Brendan Casey
meets Experiments: (g–2)
3:30-4:00 |
Coffee break |
4:00-4:20 |
Ron Soltz |
HotQCD studies with the HISQ action
4:20-4:40 |
George Fleming |
Lattice Gauge Theory for Physics beyond the Standard Model on Leadership Class Machines
4:40-5:00 |
Julius Kuti |
BSM studies in fundamental and sextet fermion representations of SU(3) color
5:00-5:20 |
Huey-Wen Lin |
Probing TeV Physics through Neutron-Decay Matrix Elements
5:20-5:40 |
Ethan Neil |
Exploration of Many-Fermion Gauge Theories for TeV Physics
5:40-5:50 |
short break |
5:50-6:05 |
Frank Quarant |
Plans for New Hardware at Brookhaven
6:05-6:20 |
Don Holmgren Chip Watson |
Future Hardware Selection Process
6:20-7:00 |
Software Committee |
Round-table discussion:
Hardware, Software, GPUs ...
7:00-9:30 |
Collaboration Dinner |