All Hands' Meeting 2012
USQCD Collaboration Meeting
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
May 4 & 5
Brookhaven LQCD Facility     Fermilab LQCD Facility     JLab LQCD Facility

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Agenda (all sessions in Curia II, WH2SW)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Time Presenter Title [titles (exts) link to slides in pdf (original) format]
8:30-8:40 Pier Oddone Welcome to Fermilab
8:40-8:45 Announcements
8:45-9:15 Paul Mackenzie Report from the Executive Committee
9:15-9:35 William Boroski Report from the Project Manager
9:35-10:00 Coffee break
10:00-10:25 Don Holmgren Current and Future Facilities at Fermilab
10:25-10:50 Robert Mawhinney Future Facility at BNL
10:50-11:15 Chip Watson Current and Future Facilities at JLab
11:15-12:15 Software Committee Near-term software for SciDAC3
12:15-1:15 Lunch
1:15-1:30 Robert Edwards USQCD Allocation Process
1:30-1:45 Norman Christ
 (for Robert Mawhinney)
Pion and Kaon Physics from 2+1 flavor DWF Lattices with mπ2 = 140 MeV and V = (5.5 fm)3
1:45-2:00 Doug Toussaint
 (for Robert Sugar)
QCD with Four Flavors of Highly Improved Staggered Quarks
2:00-2:15 Paul Mackenzie B and D Meson Decays with Unquenched Improved Staggered Fermions
2:15-2:30 George Fleming Lattice Gauge Theory for Physics beyond the Standard Model on Leadership Class Machines
2:30-2:45 Alexei Bazavov Equation of State for 2+1 Flavor QCD using Highly Improved Staggered Quarks
2:45-3:00 David Richards Excited Meson and Baryon States using Anisotropic Clover Lattices
3:00-3:15 Kostas Orginos Isotropic Clover Fermions
3:15-3:30 Ruth Van de Water SPC Report: USQCD and Weak-Matrix Elements
3:30-4:00 Coffee break
4:00-4:15 Simon Catterall SPC Report: USQCD and Beyond the Standard Model Physics
4:15-4:30 Ethan Neil Extended Study of Many-Fermion Gauge Theories for TeV Physics
4:30-4:45 Anna Hasenfratz Many-flavor gauge theories: Finite volume scaling at small masses
4:45-5:00 Joel Giedt Studies of the infrared-fixed point in SU(2) gauge theory with two-flavors of adjoint fermions
5:00-5:15 Julius Kuti Lattice search for the BSM composite Higgs mechanism and the conformal window
5:15-5:30 Discussion
5:30-5:50 Adam Martin
Lattice meets Experiments: BSM
7:00-9:30 Collaboration Dinner

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Time Presenter Title [titles (exts) link to slides in pdf (original) format]
9:00-9:10 Martin Savage SPC Report: USQCD and Nuclear Physics
9:10-9:25 William Detmold Lattice QCD Study of Multi-Baryon Systems
9:25-9:40 Sergey Syritsyn
 (for John Negele)
Precision Calculatuon to Extract Nucleon Ground State Structure in the Chiral Regime
9:40-9:55 Keh-Fei Liu Nucleon Form Factors and Hadron Spectroscopy
9:55-10:10 Michael Engelhardt Nucleon transverse momentum dependent parton distribution functions with domain wall fermions on fine lattices
10:10-10:20 Discussion
10:20-10:55 Coffee break
10:55-11:10 Taku Izubuchi SPC Report: USQCD and New Tests of the Standard Model
11:10-11:17 Taku Izubuchi CAA (LMA/AMA): A Class of Error Reduction Tricks (cf. next proposal)
11:18-11:40 Tom Blum Applications of QCD+QED simulations (II): Isospin breaking in the hadron spectrum & Hadronic contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment (for Taku Izubuchi) and
Hadronic contributions to the muon g–2 using staggered fermions
(for Christopher Aubin)
11:40-11:55 Eigo Shintani Nucleon studies for the standard model and beyond: Measurement of neutron EDM and proton decay, and Strangeness in the Nucleon with Domain Wall fermions
11:55-12:10 Huey-Wen Lin Probing TeV Physics through Neutron-Decay Matrix Elements
12:10-12:20 Discussion
12:20-1:20 Lunch
1:20-1:35 Peter Petreczky SPC Report: USQCD and Thermodynamics
1:35-1:50 Swagato Mukherjee Continuum Limit of Higher-Order Charge-Fluctuations at the Physical Point
1:50-2:05 Heng-Tong Ding Universal properties of the chiral phase transition in 2+1 flavor QCD using Highly Improved Staggered Quark action
2:05-2:20 Yu Maezawa Meson screening masses at finite temperature with Highly Improved Staggered Quarks
2:20-2:30 Discussion
2:30-2:45 Robert Edwards Closing remarks

Further Proposals

Type Principal Investigator Title
A Thomas DeGrand Running coupling and anomalous dimension of SU(3) gauge theory with adjoint fermions
A Carleton DeTar Quarkonium Physics in Full QCD
A Robert Edwards Dynamical Anisotropic-Clover Lattice Production
A Junko Shigemitsu High-Precision Heavy-Quark Physics
A Oliver Witzel B-meson physics with domain-wall light quarks and relativistic heavy quarks
B Andrei Alexandru Sea quark effects in hadron electric polarizability
B Simon Catterall Simulating N = 4 Super Yang-Mills with GPUs
B Michael Engelhardt Electric spin polarizability of the neutron
B Tomomi Ishikawa Application of low-mode averaging to B0 − B0bar mixing with static heavy quark and domain-wall light quarks
B Dhagash Mehta Transport Coefficients from Lattice QCD with 2 Dynamical Fermions
B James Osborn Disconnected contributions to nucleon form factors with chiral fermions
B Dru Renner Step-scaling methods for operator mixing
B Stephen Sharpe Non-perturbative renormalization with improved staggered fermions

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