Type |
Principal Investigator |
A |
Thomas DeGrand |
Running coupling and anomalous dimension of SU(3) gauge theory with adjoint fermions
A |
Carleton DeTar |
Quarkonium Physics in Full QCD
A |
Robert Edwards |
Dynamical Anisotropic-Clover Lattice Production
A |
Junko Shigemitsu |
High-Precision Heavy-Quark Physics
A |
Oliver Witzel |
B-meson physics with domain-wall light quarks and relativistic heavy quarks
B |
Andrei Alexandru |
Sea quark effects in hadron electric polarizability
B |
Simon Catterall |
Simulating N = 4 Super Yang-Mills with GPUs
B |
Michael Engelhardt |
Electric spin polarizability of the neutron
B |
Tomomi Ishikawa |
Application of low-mode averaging to B0 − B0bar mixing
with static heavy quark and domain-wall light quarks
B |
Dhagash Mehta |
Transport Coefficients from Lattice QCD with 2 Dynamical Fermions
B |
James Osborn |
Disconnected contributions to nucleon form factors with chiral fermions
B |
Dru Renner |
Step-scaling methods for operator mixing
B |
Stephen Sharpe |
Non-perturbative renormalization with improved staggered fermions